Award-Winning Biscuits Loved Across Malaysia

The Golden Eagle
Award 2015
The Golden Eagle Award, organized by Nanyang Siang Pau, aims to honor the best of Malaysian businesses by giving them due recognition for their hard-earned success and outstanding achievements. In 2015, this Award will incorporate three new initiatives to support and assist businesses to harness greater trade opportunities:

Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2017
The Awards is positioned as one of the most trusted and prestigious business Awards program in Malaysia with emphasis on strategic management approaches. Its primary target audience is SMEs by nomination followed by secondary audiece in the non-SMEs corporate sector by invitation.

The Superior Taste
Award 2016
Superior Taste Award label is a powerful marketing tool that is used to communicate about the products and the company's success, in both domestically and internationally. Its visibility of the label brings an immediate differentiation amongst the vast product choices on the marketplace and reassures consumers in their buying decision.
The Golden Eagle Award
The Golden Eagle Award, organized by Nanyang Siang Pau, aims to honor the best of Malaysian businesses by giving them due recognition for their hard-earned success and outstanding achievements. In 2015, this Award will incorporate three new initiatives to support and assist businesses to harness greater trade opportunities:
International Platform
To increase outreach by adding the new “International Eagles” to compete on equal footing with world – class enterprises.
Asia Vision
Internationally renowned media “CTi- Asia” & “People’s Daily Overseas Edition Singapore Channel” will join force to promote the Golden Eagle Award.
Trend-setting Efforts
Collaborate with different media and digital platforms such as TV, Apps and websites to promote the event for maximum publicity.
The Superior Taste Award
The Superior Taste Award can be granted to a tested product:
Exceptional products with 90% and more of total marks
Notable tasting products with marks between 70% and 80%
Remarkable products with marks between 80% and 90%
iTQi judges are selected from the 15 most prestigious European culinary and sommeliers associations: the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Academy of Culinary Arts, Hellenic Chefs’ Association, Académie Culinaire de France, Verband der Köche Deutschlands, Federación de Asociaciones de Cocineros de España, Federerazione dei Cuochi Italiana, Årets Kock of Sweden, Euro-Toques, Gilde Van Nedrlandse Meesterkoks, Associação de Cozinheiros Profisionais de Portugal, Craft Guild of Chefs, Turkish Cooks Association, World Master Chefs Society (WMCS) and the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI). The Superior Taste Award is a unique international recognition that is focused on the blind judgment of Chefs and Sommeliers.
Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards
The Awards serve as the highest accolades for the enterprises which have achieved utmost excellence in all key business management disciplines which form the strategic parts of organizational growth and sustainability.
The Awards is reckoned as an authentic testimony and recognition of the business excellence of the enterprises in ever changing environment for even greater success locally as well globally.The Awards enable more enterprises to learn from the success stories and revenue models of the winning enterprises, and to benchmark themselves against the best in their pursuit of further excellence.
Source:Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards